
MAJOR brag video!!!!! *spoiler alert* it's not JUST about Phoenix!!!

MAJOR brag video!!!!! *spoiler alert* it's not JUST about Phoenix!!! This video was initially created to be our "Dr. Jack Project". It became much more!
We want everyone that sees this to take these things away from it:

*Take the time to THANK & HONOR your Doctors, Nurses, etc... It MATTERS.

*To all those who serve in the medical field, let this be an example of the enormous reach your expertise can have on a life. What you do MATTERS. The ripple effect just this ONE Doctor has had on Phoenix is beyond what we can measure. (She has MANY Docs on her team and we hope to honor them ALL over time!!) Our prayer is that you never doubt your ability to change lives.... I mean completely transform them!!

*To anyone who has faced a tragedy and survived, but was left with "limitations," let this be EVIDENCE that with our mighty God, there is NOTHING you cannot do! Your road may take many twists & turns, but HOLD ON TO THE PROMISE! He is a promise keeper and HE HAS NEVER LOST A BATTLE!!!

*To anyone who is a caretaker....BLESS YOU! I speak supernatural REST, REFRESHING, PEACE, and ENDURANCE over you!! NO ONE understands what it's like to be a caretaker until they have been one. Let this video be HOPE to you!! HOLD ON! And even in the darkness, in the valley, remember that "Morning" is coming!!
To my Phoenix....WOW! You never stop blowing us away!! You are the ultimate comeback kid! A CHAMPION! Brave warrior! I am honored to have a front row seat on this miraculous journey to wholeness!!!!
To read about the journey in chronological order click here & see "STORY"-
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kid musicians,corneal transplant,DALK,Stevens Johnson Syndrome,Survivor,survivor stories,toxic epidermal necrolysis,Stevens-Johnson syndrome,SJS,TENS,Phoenix,Pray for phoenix,Doctor,cornea specialists,ophthalmologist,pediatric medicine,pediatric ophthalmologist,caretaker,Parker cornea,miracles,supernatural,healing,

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