
Huawei CEO: ‘We don’t need the US’

Huawei CEO: ‘We don’t need the US’ The CEO of Chinese telecomm giant Huawei said that trade between the US and China “has nothing to do with us.” Meanwhile, critics of Russia’s ambitious Nord Stream 2 pipeline are trying to obstruct the project by means of fine print. Then we talk about systemic US media bias against Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign and about newly minted UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s cabinet, composed entirely of pro-Brexit men. Finally, we discuss the discovery of a supermarket employee’s remains after he’d been missing for 10 years. All this and more on the News with Rick Sanchez.

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Huawei,China,Telecomm,5G,Trump ban Huawei,China Huawei,Trump,US China Trade War,US Media Bias,Bernie Sanders,Sanders 2020,UK primer Minister,Boris Johnson,Brexit,UKPM,CEO Huawei,Sanders campaign,Sanders media bias,MSNBC,Katie Halper,

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