
Heal And Transform The Significant Relationships In Our Lives

Heal And Transform The Significant Relationships In Our Lives Source:

From the August 4, 2019 service.
Sermon notes below:
                           Must learn2judge own sin   2chr28Bcause of all the sins of ahaz/judah, the L allowed the kg of aram2defeat ahaz&exile large#s of his pep. The army of isr also defeated ahaz&inflicted huge casualties on his army. N 1day pekah isr’s kg killed 120000 of judahs troops&captured 200000 women/kids&took much plunder back2samaria all bcause judah had aband the L. But a prophet of the L was n samaria as isr’s army returned home. He went&said: the L was angry wth judah&let u defeat them. But uve gone2far killing them w/o mercy&all heaven is grieved&now ur planning2makethem slaves. Wat about ur own sins against the LurG?A. 2chr28: wat about ur sin? easy 2 bcome so indig/preoccu wth others sin we lose sight of ours&we r unwilling2give the mercy we so desper need. B. B cont commands us 2 focus on/own/feel weight of our own sin/wrong.1. lam3 why should we mere humans complain when we r punished 4our sins? Instead, let us test/exam our ways&turn back2the L.2. 1cor11 but if we would exam ourselves, we wouldnt b judged by G.3. 2cor13 exam urselves 2c if ur faith is genuine. Test ur own lives.  4. gal6 pay attn 2 ur own life & then ull get the satisf of a life well lived.5. rm14 who r u2judge some1elses servant? Their own master will judge them&theyll stand 4Gs@wk n them. Why do u judge ur bro/sis&treat them wth contempt? We’ll all stand b4G&give an acct. Stop condeming others. Nstead focus on not being a stumbling block n other peps lives.6. matt7 judge not&uwont b judged. ull b treated as u treat others. The bar u use2judge is the bar ull b judged by&why worry about a spec n ur friends eye when u have a log n urs? How can u say, let me remove the speck n ur eye when u cant c the log n urs. U hypocrite. 1st deal wth the log n ur eye & ull b able2deal wth the speck n ur friends eye.7. rm1&2/gal5/rev21 sin lists n B mix idols/witches/murder/sex perver/ adultery wth lies/envy/fear/anger/selfish/pride/lust/quarrel/complaining8. rm2 u condemn others but ur just as bad&u have no excuse! When u say they r wicked&deserve 2b punished, ur condemning urself 4u who judge others do similar things&we know G is justice&will punish all who do such things. Since u judge others4doing wicked things why do u think u can avoid Gs judgement when u also do wicked things?9. 1cor4 wat gives u the right 2judge others? Wat do u have G hasnt given u & if all u have is from G why boast like it were not a gift.10. matt22 J said u must luv the L ur G wth all ur hart/soul/mind this is the 1st/greatest command&a 2nd is =ly import: luv ur neighbor as ur self.11. jm4 remember its sin2know wat u ought 2 do & then not do it.12. rm13 owe 0 2any1except ur oblig2luv others. If u luv others, ull   fulfill the requires of Gs law. Luv does no wrong2others(omiss/comiss)13. pr20 who can say, ive cleansed my hart; im pure/free from sin?14. matt23 J said the scribes/phars teach u Gs law so obey wat they tell u but dont follow their ex 4 they dont pract wat they teach. They crush pep wth unbearable demands but wont lift a finger2ease their burden.15. heb3 make sure ur own hart isnt full of evil/unbelief turning u away from the living G. U must warn each other daily, while it is still 2day so none of u will b deceived by sin&hardened against G.16. even Gs favs can quickly/passionately focus on others sin ignoring own.2sam12 dav n a rage said, as the L lives, any man who would do such a thing deserves2die! He must repay4xs wat he stole & 4 having no mercy. Nathan said, dav ur the man! G says: I annointed u kg&saved u from saulC. n counseling, im cont trying2get both2recog/own/confess their contrib 2 the probs/pains/fails n the rel. Not an easy undertaking & often I fail.1. our DNA leads us2focus on others respon/fault & b blind 2 our own.2. only the humility/wisdom of G can bring a per 2such a rev/response but when it occurs, true miracles of rel healing/movement occur!3. blue like jazz: the confession booth: sins confessed here: desire/prayer/ effort2impact reed college but 0success till they confessed their own sin4. till I c/own/confess my culpab no real/lasting rel heal/move can occur5. not saying wds dripping wth selfright/condescen/false humility like:a. I know Im not perfect/im sure ive made mistakes2/I could have done better/ive not always responded well/if ive done anything wrong/butb. these r an absolute waste of time & only add2the hurt/anger/divisionc. totally destroys any desire/power n others2respond as G want them26. wonder wat might happen if/wonder wat G might do if........a. mates/pars/kids/friends/cowkers/leaders/nations were as passionate/quick2confess own flaws/fails as they point out flaws/fails n othersb. jm/1pet/pr say G gives grace when pep humble themselves: wow


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