
Ewigkeit - Point of Origin

Ewigkeit - Point of Origin Band: Ewigkeit
Album: Starscape 2.019
Date: 2019
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal
Country: United Kingdom

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D.T.M. Productions:

In 1999, EWIGKEIT released the 2nd album 'Starscape', a Symphonic Black Metal album large in it's scope and ambition,
but with an almost unlistenably poor sound quality.., in 2019, EWIGKEIT present 'Starscape 2.019' - a complete re-recording of the original album.

With epic tracks like 'Point of Origin' (Black Metal's first waltz ?'),'Unveiling The Mystery' or 'Legend of Keshara'
or the straight ahead mid-paced Swedish Death Metal inspired 'Lightspeed Evolution' or the sublime classical of 'Space Symphony',
this is now in the form it was originally intended way back there at the end of the 20th Century.

Lyrical themes are reflections of the dark past and a look towards the unknown future in the realms above and beyond.

All music is written, performed and produced by James Fogarty (also of In The Woods, Old Forest, Jaldaboath, Orcrypt and others).
Mastering is by Kjetil Ottersen (Vektor Facilities) and artwork is by Lenny Bridgeman.

#SymphonicBlackMetal #MelodicBlackMetal #UkBlackMetal

(Authorized song by: Ewigkeit)

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