
Cali Bamboo With A Great Product & Nice Copy

Cali Bamboo With A Great Product & Nice Copy Cali Bamboo With A Great Product & Nice Copy


Cali Bamboo, 17,000 likes just right off the bat. What's that tell you? These guys advertise, have been for a minute. Look at this beautiful flooring. Let's check their video out here. "If you love the look of hardwood flooring but don't want the upkeep, learn more about our luxury vinyl. It is DIY friendly, low maintenance, and 100% waterproof." I mean, I don't hate that copy. Very descriptive. "Get 5% off, plus free financing." What is this URL? Not sure about this URL, guys.

"Do you love the look of hardwood flooring but don't want the upkeep?" Is that really the selling point? Is hardwood flooring a pretty big upkeep? I have a house with hardwood flooring in it. There's no upkeep, so I'm a little bit confused on that. Maybe it's sealing it every few ... I'm not sure. Obviously, they don't want to play the price game. They're trying to play the quality game.

This might be my favorite. "Our luxury vinyl is low maintenance and 100% waterproof." I'm wondering what their buyers are. If their buyers are first-time buyers of flooring, perhaps they don't even know the difference between vinyl and hardwood. I mean, you might even consider, "Do you know what vinyl flooring is," and a bit of explanation about why it's better and not just that the one angle of hardwood flooring is that there's upkeep.

"Score and snap the planks, whichever size you need." Perhaps that says a lot more about you can actually install it yourself rather than hardwood flooring. You might consider a lead magnet with this, a downloaded ebook about how easy it is to install vinyl flooring yourself, five examples of before-and-afters that people used vinyl or, "Take the test. Is this vinyl or is this hardwood," or if people can't tell the difference type of thing.

Let's check them out on Google. Cali Bamboo. There's an ad. Brand protection. Nice. Let's see if they're even in Shopping. Cali Bamboo, Home Depot. Yikes. Cali Bamboo, Cali Bamboo, Home Depot. Home Depot is over Cali Bamboo, but it's pulling the word, "Bamboo," heavily, so these probably aren't even Cali Bamboo products. We might consider raising the bids on that keyword. If somebody finds you, we don't want them getting lost in Home Depot.

I wonder if they're on LinkedIn. No ads on LinkedIn. I wonder why you guys aren't on LinkedIn. There's a lot of contractors on LinkedIn, a lot of hous- flippers on LinkedIn. There's a lot of real estate people on LinkedIn. Boy, this feels like it's a really good platform for you guys. LinkedIn would also be a great place to use that lead magnet too, because those people that click and you get that traffic, then they're pixeled on the website to retarget to them on Facebook and Google.

Anyway, all around, it looks pretty good. My name's Bobby Dietz. Thanks for watching this ad review, and if you need vinyl floors, Cali Bamboo. Go hit them up. Thanks for watching. We'll see you in the next video.

digital marketing,bobby dietz,ad agency,advertising,marketing,facebook ads,google ads,

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