The moment you get this message is EXACTLY the moment you are to receive this message
Welcome back, dear spies and otherwise! Thanks for "spying" with Scorpio Spy Tarot
If you're new, well, you're welcome also! Have a seat and enjoy.
🔮 🙅🏼♀️No personals at this time. Will notify when that changes. Sorry for any inconvenience!
I am so very happy to bring you messages and I thank you for your support of me and this brand new channel. I hope this “general” 😉 reading resonates with you. If it does resonate, please comment, like and subscribe so you may receive more messages in tarot from universe/spirit and yours truly
* Subscribe For More Messages *
This is a general reading. Sometimes certain messages within the same reading are for you, someone around you, or other people of your star sign entirely! Please feel free to check out the videos I have for you under other placements in your chart, such as moon, rising and venus--PARTNER'S AS WELL! hehe
For those who wish to support the channel -- An amazon wishlist has lots of cool decks for variety of messages and readings. The energies and imagery help enhance and give more insight during readings
Of course-- (: No pressure...just for if you're feeling generous or want to show appreciation
Or even if you want to see a specific deck in use in the videos for your sign!
Support through my affiliate links!
You may want to consider viewing the items I have listed here through affiliation program w/ Amazon...
Where you can help me earn small amounts (everything helps!) JUST by using my affiliate links at no additional cost to you!
Yep, it's that easy. If you want to check out the cool decks, I will get a small reward for referring cool people like you. :D Amazing, right?
So many of you are struck by certain decks and imagery and the pure beauty of the art and they just SPEAK to you!! And so you ask where to find them. I know the feeling...which is why I have so many. hehe
I tried putting them in order for you for this specific video...Let me know if there is one you need help to find.
🌟Numerology Deck
🌟 The eerily beautiful deck of the cartoonish girls with big eyes o.o
Les Vampires
🌟Enchanted Map Oracle
🌟 Divine Love Red
Divine Feminine Oracle
Disclaimer: As a requirement—this video is not meant for personal counsel. Please consult a professional for advice. This video is for entertainment purposes only.
I appreciate each and every one of you and I am humbled by your support as I didn't expect so much so soon (:
with love,
Scorpio Spy Tarot
#AQUARIUS #LoveTarot #AquariusLOVE