
A Journey to the End of Time - How Our Universe Will End - Space Discovery Documentary

A Journey to the End of Time - How Our Universe Will End - Space Discovery Documentary What does the future look like? How will the universe meet its end? We may never be truly certain. But science has begun to paint a stunning picture of how the future might unfold. Let's take a journey to the end of time, traveling through time exponentially, doubling our speed every 5 seconds. This vision of the future will surely evolve as we probe for more clues, but one thing is clear: The universe has only just begun. So here's what we might expect in chronological order.

Earth's magnetic field will flip and there’ll be a drastic sea level rise. Statistically speaking we might face a 30 meter asteroid impact. Antares will go supernovae, Sahara will become tropical and constellations will begin to wander. The interglacial period will end and there'll be a supervolcano eruption which will lead to a new Island chains formation. Betelgeuse will also go supernovae, stone monuments on Earth will erode and Earth will be struck by a deadly gamma ray burst.

Mars' moon will become a ring, Saturn's rings will vanish, Antarctica will melt, we'll face a major asteroid impact and therefore a new supercontinent will form. The Sun will increase its luminosity, photosynthesis on Earth will begin to cease and all plant life will die. The oceans will evaporate and all life will die, the Sun will expand and become a red giant, and the Earth will be eventually destroyed by the dying Sun.

Then our Sun will become a white dwarf, a hot, dense, shrunken stellar corpse and likewise all stars will begin to die off. Eventually the last red dwarf star will die and the so called Degenerate Era will begin. With the death of the last Sun the age of starlight will come to an end. The universe will become a cosmic boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars.

Over time, gravity will eject dead stars and planets from their galaxies, sending them out into the freezing void. By chance, some dwarfs will collide and form accidental new stars. Colliding neutron stars will puncture the darkness with ultra bright supernovae. Any surviving life forms may find refuge around aging white dwarfs. But in time, even the white dwarfs will fade and die and turn into black dwarfs.

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