
You Ought To Know

You Ought To Know Eat My Words, In Your Face, Suck it up, It's Our disgrace...
Lie to Me, Really good, Big mistake, thought You Could…

You Ought to Know by Now… Ditto

Love it Bleeds, Gets around, Turn that Smile, Upside Down…
Thoughtfulness, It's a Crime, The innocent Doing Time…

You Ought to Know by Now… Ditto
You Ought to Know by Now… Ditto Na Na Na Na Na

Slap My Wrist, Hate Your Love, Iron Fist, Velvet Glove…
Were so Lost, to no avail, Hung the Cross, Drove the Nail…

You Ought to Know by Now… Ditto

Lyrics: Kendall Bechtel with some help by Grace Baird

Very Special thanks to My Friends who served in THE DEAD PRJCT. Drums samples by Ed Sein Programming and other Tracks by Bechtel.

Copyright Bechtel Music & Media 2019


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