
True Freedom Comes From Within

True Freedom Comes From Within Happy 4th of July!

Today is Independence Day in the US.

Today can mark the day that

you decide to be free!

Whether you live in the states

or not that does not matter.

You can experience true Divine

freedom because true Divine

Freedom actually lies within.

It’s not outside,

It’s not based on where you live,

It’s not based on who’s President,

It’s not dependent on any of that...

It’s all within.

Now the question becomes:

are You ready to experience it?

Are you ready to let go of everything

that is keeping you tied to a the fearbased

3D matrix?

Are you ready to brake free from

old beliefs, programs and patters?

Because you see those are the things that

are really keeping you hostage,

they are keeping you in bondage,

they paralyze you from moving forward,

from being consistent,

from following your dreams

from achieving the life you want.

When you discover the key that

you hold within,

which is the light that has the power to

break all chains,

you’ll experience true Divine freedom and

it won’t matter where you live,

who you’re with,

where you work or

anything else that is outside of


Take a moment to ask yourself:

1. What is keeping me in bondage? Is it fears, the past, other people?

Comment below and let me know!

Let’s break free once and for all

from anything and everything that no

longer belongs in your energy field.

Let’s create a happy world, based in

love and truth

Let’s focus on the light within

and make miracles be the norm.

Trust me this is why you came here.

After all the challenges and patterns

and traumas we came here to master

the game because we are all masters

at this....

We just forgot.

It is time to remember.

It is time to live in Divine Freedom.

It is time to awaken our Divine Power.

And I can’t wait!

See you on the other side!

The Freedom Writer

PS. Want to join my class and manifest true freedom? I have one time fee now available with some bonuses. Class starts on July 9, click below for more info.

Samantha is an Intuitive, Energy Healer and Life Coach that can help you clear your energy blocks, subconscious patterns and fears so you can open the flow to receiving more guidance, miracles and happiness in your life.
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