
The Olivet Discourse -#98- 'In a very, very little while...'

The Olivet Discourse -#98- 'In a very, very little while...' The world mission completed, Hebrews declared "in a very, very little while, the one who is coming will come, and will not delay!"

Matthew 24,Daniel 9,Last Days,End of the age,Into all the world,Matthew 25,The Great Apostasy,Age without end,Olivet Discourse,Book of Revelation,Jerusalem Temple,Birth Pains of Messiah,Messianic Birth pains,Resurrection,Great Tribulation,Abomination of Desolation,Mark of the Beast,Rapture,last day,last hour,time of the end,end of time,Second Coming,Day of the Lord,Daniel 12,Don K. Preston,Preston’s Morning Musings,

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