Robert Phoenix BIO.
In the fall of 2008, during the presidential selection, Robert Phoenix posted Sarah Palin’s astrological chart on his website, and his life changed.
Traffic swelled and he realized that the internet was hungry for astrology. He followed that up with a post on Joan Quigley and astrology in the White House, then Obama’s chart. quickly became a go to site for cutting edge astrological interpretation for mundane events. Using his extensive background in tarot, psychic work and astrology, he launched a private practice which has led him to reading for thousands of clients over the past decade. He predicted the death of David Bowie and the election of Donald Trump. Along the way he produced and hosted, “The Eleventh House” on GaiaTV. He’s been a guest on the Higherside Chats, Clyde Lewis’s Ground Zero, Off Planet Radio, and other radio programs and live streams. He works with Regina Meredith on a quarterly basis, predicting and forecasting astro trends. In addition to those shows, he broadcasts Monday-Thursday at 8:30AM CDT on, which also simulcasts live on youtube. And on Sunday night, he dives into the world of astrology on The Eleventh House on youtube. In addition to all of this, he’s launching a new website,