
Mindful consumption of meat and dairy

Mindful consumption of meat and dairy Click 'CC' in the bottom right of the video to add subtitles.


"Hello! So I read on the independent last year that the consumption of meat and dairy will soon be a bigger polluter than the oil industry, which is kind of crazy if you think about it.

I also read that avoiding meat and dairy is the single biggest way to reduce your carbon footprint. Far bigger than cutting down on the amount you fly or driving an electric car.

I'm not going to start preaching that everyone needs to be vegan but it does make you think about the amount that we consume for meat and dairy. In fact, I worked on a chicken farm for a year when I was a teenager so I don't really have a leg to stand on.

Tried veganuary, made it two weeks and then gave up. I mostly eat like a vegetarian now, say maybe once or twice a week I'll eat some meat, but I'm trying to reduce that.

So my question is, if we all started to drastically reduce our meat and dairy intake, not saying eliminating it totally, because that's quite a big ask for most people, but only eating it occasionally, would this make a decent impact?

I feel it would be easier to persuade a large percentage of the population to reduce their meat intake than persuade smaller groups to be t-total vegan.

Interested to hear what you think, feel free to make a video response or comment on this video. Thanks for listening!"

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