
Do Not Be Fearful of the World!

Do Not Be Fearful of the World! There has been a lot of apocalyptic talk around of late - is global civilisation on the edge of a general systems collapse and new dark age?

Well, maybe!

It's interesting how most life coaching types don't talk about this... indeed whilst the world has changed their message rarely has!

But a dose of 'memento mori' isn't necessarily a bad thing... indeed, it can keep us both grounded and sharp.

For coaching from James Tripp:

The 'navel vs pirate' line was from Chaos Magic author Gordon White and his book The Chaos Protocols. I thoroughly endorse the first chapter of that book - worth the price of the whole book (other chapters I'm less aligned with, but that's another topic).

For more on using your mind to shape your life - hypnosis, NLP and beyond, please do subscribe here to James Tripp Chaos Wave.

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