
The Dinosaur of Delamere, Tree breaks, Strange Growls and Vandalised Bike Paths

The Dinosaur of Delamere, Tree breaks, Strange Growls and Vandalised Bike Paths Join BBR and get your name on the Map of Worldwide Researchers, helping people to meet up with other researchers, witnesses, podcasters and many others. For a small fee of £2.99. Get your membership here Read the Witness Accounts Here To see my videos before they are public, or to view exclusive podcasts and worldwide Cryptid reports please pop along to my Patreon Channel. I will be adding all of my sighting accounts here and many world wide reports I have collected over the years. Delamere Forest is so old, it has scars from ice-age glaciers of 10,000 years ago and its origins go way back into the mists of time. Rumours and reports of strange animals in Delamere Forest can be dated back to the Romans.  The Romans cut a straight road through the forest to connect the fortress town of Chester to the salt mines of Northwich. The Romans reported hearing the loud roar of an unknown beast and frequently found deer and wild boars torn apart. There were also stories that some soldiers went missing trying to find the strange animal. At this time, Delamere Forest stretched right up to the southern banks of the Mersey. WEREWOLF RESEARCH


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