
How Sodas CAN be Actually Beneficial ... See Description

How Sodas CAN be Actually Beneficial ... See Description Sodas are among the unhealthiest food. It's pure junk comfort food. And it's this comfort that we can find an actual benefit in.

It is the refreshing comfortable feeling that tricks people because not everything that makes you feel good is good. In fact, it's usually very bad. All medicines do this.

But it's not the medicine that makes you feel better, but the ailment lifting that does. All medicines are actually very unhealthy and bad for you. The effect behind all medicine is energy, namely capitulation energy which violates the law of ch'i energy balance or EEE, the universal law of Equivalent Energy Exchange. So the refreshing feeling from sodas can be explained scientifically. It's purely scientific.

How possessed are you?

Take the "Pepsi Challenge," negative energy capitulation, to see how much.

As the slogan goes, "Coke adds life." You can verify this with the temporary head-rush you experience while taking a sip of soda. But what really actually happens is just the opposite. Coca-cola was originally marketed as a medicine because it is. It is the worst food. That's why it works to clear you and you feel great immediately after taking a sip. It's that powerfully evil.

A chicken/hen egg also works, but not as dramatic as soda.

So the irony here is that if a sip of Pepsi or Coke makes you feel good, this is a very bad sign. It means your energy is toxic and likely so is your environment.

You can also gauge how much negativity is in your environment. After your first sip, wait 30 minutes and take another sip. If you still feel that distinguished head-rush, there's a good chance that your environment is likely providing a hefty portion of your total toxicity.

If after 30 minutes you don't feel anything, count yourself lucky.


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