
Helpful Tips to Improve the Decision Making Process | GowerCrowd

Helpful Tips to Improve the Decision Making Process | GowerCrowd Helpful Tips to Improve the Decision Making Process | GowerCrowd

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Get access to some helpful tips to improve the decision making process in this short highlight episode of The Real Estate Crowdfunding Show where Adam Gower speaks to Park Howell of Business of Story.

Robert McKee, a famous screenwriting coach, has a class that he teaches called 'Story' which teaches individuals how to create great screenplays. While you might not be learning how to write a screenplay, a piece of advice that Robert McKee gave to Park Howell that you may find useful is, "always remember that our conscious mind is simply the PR department for our subconscious mind, where all the real decisions are being made." In business, we often lead with logic when we should be leading with emotion, which is demonstrated perfectly in Robert McKee's advice.

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