
Rude Kid Hits Service Dog and Owner Teaches Her a Lesson She Won't Forget

Rude Kid Hits Service Dog and Owner Teaches Her a Lesson She Won't Forget Dogs are very intelligent and very intuitive. This is why they are often as service dogs. Dogs often work for the police department and the military. They are also used for people in need. Service dogs are common for people who are blind, deaf, for people who suffer from seizures, and for a number of other health issues.
When you see a dog, your first reaction is often to pet the dog. With most dogs, this is fine. However, if you see a service dog, you should just leave him alone. When a service dog is out with his owner, he is working. He needs to be vigilant at all times to be sure that their owner is safe. If you distract a service dog by petting him or trying to feed him treats, he won't be able to focus on his job.
Laura Joos has a rare medical condition that causes her to lose consciousness at any time. When she is out, it can be dangerous. If she is walking on a sidewalk or if she is crossing a street when she loses consciousness, it can be deadly. Laura has a dog named Polly. Polly can sense when Laura's blood pressure begins to rise. This means that she will soon lose consciousness. It is Polly's job to alert her so that she can get to safety before it happens. Because Polly's job is to keep Laura out of harm's way, she needs to be focused while the two are out in public.
Laura and Polly took a trip to Walmart one day. When Polly and Laura are out in public, Polly wears her Service dog vet, a service dog collar and tag, and Laura holds her on a leash marked, "Service Dog." It is crucial that people know that Polly is working so that they don't bother her while she is protecting Laura.
When Laura and Polly were shopping, they encountered a mother with her three children. From far away, Laura could hear one of the children yelling, "Doggy, woof woof." The children started to run down the aisle toward Laura and Polly yelling, "A dog, a dog." This type of thing happened often. When it did, Laura would often turn the corner to get her and Polly away from the situation. This time, she didn't have anywhere to go. Laura was hoping that the mother would tell her children to leave the dog alone because she was working. As Laura passed the children, one of them reached out and smacked Polly.
Laura couldn't believe that the child had hit Polly. It wasn't just a quick brush on her back. Laura heard a loud thud. The little girl was lucky that Polly was trained. Most dogs would have lashed out. Since Polly was a service dog, she tucked her tail between her legs and scurried in front of Laura quickly.
Laura knew that she had to say something to this mother. She figured that if she told the children's mother that they could not do this type of thing to a service dog, it would help someone in the future. Laura told the children's mother that Polly was a service dog and she asked that she teach her kids, not to pet one. Rather than understanding, the mother got angry. She said, "Excuse you." Laura was shocked.
When Laura got home, she created a Facebook post for the mother regarding the incident. In her post, she wrote that before she encountered the woman and her children, Polly alerted her that her blood pressure was rising. Laura could feel her heart starting to race, and her vision was going fuzzy. Unfortunately, the woman's child's actions caused Polly to miss a second alert. Now, Laura felt like she was going to vomit. She had to get out to her car to safety before she lost consciousness. She managed to get out to her car to safety. In her post, she told the mother that she is lucky that her children didn't need to see her hit the ground. Her condition was scary to some adults so she was sure that it would be traumatizing for the woman's children.
People from all over the world were sharing Laura's post in hopes that people would understand a bit more about how to behave around a service dog. She thought it would do her some good as well as everyone else who has a service dog.
Unfortunately, the mother of the three children didn't comment on the post. Laura wasn't sure if she had seen it and ignored it, or if she just didn't have a Facebook account. Either way, Laura was happy with her post. Rude kid hits service dog and owner teaches her a lesson she wont forget. Even if the woman didn't comment on the post, thousands of other people did. Laura was glad that she was able to educate so many people about service dogs.
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