It's so good and sweet... with a little bitter thrown in for taste... come on, you need a little contrast. There are a few things that don't work but don't linger on them. Branch out and see who supports you. Who's there? Who thinks you can do it? Who thinks you can't?
Once you're in the know (around the new moon) you'll move into a lot of career success. The way is open, take the intellectual risk. You know you're up for it. There's a magic in the Gemini Air and you can use it to alchemize a lot. Go all the way. You got this.
Now... you know that you can't leave trash in the house... not a Virgo.
Clean house, especially the valves of your heart.
Also: here's that National Suicide Prevention Hotline Number:
Call 1-800-273-8255
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