
Pennsylvania State Rep. Abuses Elderly Pro-Life Advocate Outside Of A Planned Parenthood Clinic

Pennsylvania State Rep. Abuses Elderly Pro-Life Advocate Outside Of A Planned Parenthood Clinic Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims thought it would be a good idea to Periscope himself harassing an elderly pro-life advocate outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic. Literally. He did this: -- Brian Sims: “Push back against Planned Parenthood protestors, PLEASE! They prey on young women, they use white privilege, & shame. They’re racist, classist, bigots who NEED & DESERVE our righteous opposition. Push back, please! #YouAreStrongEnough” -- Live Action @LiveAction: “WATCH: Pennsylvania State Representative @BrianSimsPA harasses an elderly woman who is peacefully advocating for the lives of preborn human beings and women who are considering abortion. This is shameful.” -- Yes, it’s the elderly woman who is the “bully” here: -- Alexandra DeSanctis @xan_desanctis: ““You’re a bully,” says the guy live-streaming himself harassing a woman on the sidewalk.”

Sims later responded to Live Action which posted the link to his livestream by calling them “Bible Bullies”: -- Brian Sims @BrianSimsPA: “Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values. #BeReal” -- He’s proud of this behavior, too: -- Jessica Fletcher @heckyessica: “I’d be embarrassed if this man represented me.” -- JWF @JammieWF: “Scumbag.” -- Dan Bongino @dbongino: “This is pretty disgusting.” -- So, is this something Sims should lose his account over? It does seem to violate Periscope’s terms of service: -- Live Action @LiveAction: “@PeriscopeCo, this broadcast violates your rules on abusive behavior. He is harassing, intimidating and using fear to silence this sweet elderly woman.”

Twitchy: ‘Masochist or MORON’: DBag Penn. State Rep who bullied elderly pro-life woman gets OBLITERATED after he doubles DOWN

Twitchy: Penn. State Rep abuses elderly pro-life advocate outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic on his Periscope livestream


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