
Master Kuthumi Commencing the Creation of Your Channel

Master Kuthumi Commencing the Creation of Your Channel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Master Kuthumi
Master Kuthumi
Master Kuthumi

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Commencing the Creation of Your Channel by Master Kuthumi

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

It is my intention today to explain to you about channelling and to assist you in realising your own channel and ability. During my communication when I speak of the ‘channel,’ I am not referring to the person but the funnel of light that is their channel.

To channel is not a new ability that humanity has activated, in many respects, channelling is a natural and common ability all have. Many people channel without realising throughout their day; they may feel inspired to say certain things to people which is what they needed to hear at that time to lead them onto the correct path. People also channel books, music, art, healing, and creative expressions without realising because it is a natural and normal ability, they have had for such a long time, they do not even realise their ability as it feels familiar and easy to them.

The Definition of a Channel

Every person on the Earth can channel and most are channeling without realising.

This may be a very profound statement for some people to accept. In order to realise this, we must first understand the definition of a channel. To channel is to link into energy or to build a connection that allows you to draw upon energies that may not presently be realised within your being. To channel is to connect to a well of consciousness that may be beyond your current reality on the Earth. We must remember at this point that every person on the Earth is linked to each other, we are all aspects of the Creator. Each person is then Read More at

Master Kuthumi is a much loved Ascended Master by many because of his gentle, warm, loving, supportive and joyful vibration as well as his wisdom and powerful ability to guide and to aid channeling abilities. He has existed on the Earth in many lifetimes such as Pythagoras, a wise man at the birth of Jesus, a disciple of Jesus and Saint Francis of Assisi.

He previously worked as the Chohan and overseer of the second ray of light ashram, he now works as the World Teacher alongside Master Jesus. Existing upon Sirius within the Great White Ascended Master Brother and Sisterhood Lodge, he continues to share his wisdom overseeing the spiritual education of all being.

Kuthumi supports your soul in discovering and creating your journey of spiritual awakening, education, activation, illumination and enlightenment. He is a wonderful guide to call upon if wishing to advance your spiritual education, develop your channelling ability and to simply aid in any area of your spiritual reality. He teaches that through love wisdom is born. more at

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Master Kuthumi,Creation of Your Channel,Natalie Glasson,Sacred School of OmNa,omna,Channeled Messages,Channeled Wisdom,Ascended Master,Master Jesus,The Definition of a Channel,Kuthumi,OmNaChanneling,Pythagoras,Saint Francis of Assisi,Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,Ascended Master Wisdom,Ascended Master Teachings,Master Kuthumi Teachings,Master Kuthumi Wisdom,Master Kuthumi Meditation,,#natalieglasson,#sacredschoolofomna,

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