
How to maintain Organization Behavior, Attract More Diverse Workforce and Fill the Skill – Gap

How to maintain Organization Behavior, Attract More Diverse Workforce and Fill the Skill – Gap Dr. Abhijit Gangopadhyay, Dean, Aegis School of Business On “ How to maintain Organisation behavior, attract more diverse workforce and fill the skill – gaps”

Organisation behavior is basically, the study of the organization. Actually, it’s a natural way an organization flows and we have to understand what is the constitute of its member. Understanding its members and designing the organisation’s priorities is basically interface between organization and people. Historically speaking, organization is an analysis, how we have evolved the relationship. Different generations and different caste an appropriately organization people has got structured.

On Skill – gaps in an Organisation and how fill those?

Skill is an evolving concept. The Skill appropriate today will not be appropriate after some time. So you have to actually measure and create a skill matrix and on that basis you can develop skill inventory and actually it has to be continuously an evolving process. Whereas, skilling is dynamic process. Responding to the emerging skills will not create a skill gap. If you are active in terms of managing the organization there will never be a skill – gap. Skill gap is having a strategic planning and effective goal setting which will result in mapping of skills that are required and dropping of existing skills in the system. Soft skills is more or less permanent phenomenon and technical skills are like very evolving concept. By the time you complete your programming of technical skills these skill sets has said to be again realigned with the development of technology and if you are obsolete you become redundant in the organizational context.

On How to attract a more diverse work force?

It is about creating an awareness in terms of understanding people and understanding people for the benefit of organization. This will open some amount of live thinking across the professionals. First, identify what your needs are. Does your workforce resemble the communities that you operate in? Do they match the demographic that you serve or want to serve? If not, develop a hiring strategy to increase workforce diversity.

organization behavior,diverse work force,skill – gap,people management,People analytics,HR Analytivs,Dr. Abhijit Gangopadhyay,Aegis school of Business,diverse workforce,skilling,technology,

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