Absolutely Safe and Completely Comfortable:This baby balance bike is an ideal 1st Birthday gift, the wheels are integrally formed without gaps, the toddler does not have the risk of scraping their legs when riding. Perfect starter bike for 6-24 Months:Help baby to build confidence, independence, courage, and balance before riding the bigger balance bike. Smart Design and Sturdy Construction:The body of this bike is made by carbon steel, lightweight but sturdy, handlebar and seat are made by safety soft materials. The steering angle of the handlebar is limited, you don't have to worry about the baby falling during the ride. Easy Installation:This balance bike divided into 3 parts, the handle, the front wheel, and the body. The installation will take 3-5 minutes by following the simple instructions with pictures. Best Services:Thank you choose Bonbonbrothers baby balance bike. If you are not satisfied with our products, we will do a replacement or a refund immediately.