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Best and Worst Forms of Dairy on Keto - Thomas DeLauer
Dairy Concerns
A1 Casein
Beta-casein proteins make up around 30% of milk’s proteins and comes in one of two genetic varieties: A1 and A2
A2 is the original variety that all cows used to have, with A1 appearing somewhere around 5,000 - 10,000 years ago through a mutation found in some European herds
BCM-7 is a bioactive opioid peptide which is formed in much greater levels when we consume dairy with A1 beta-casein when compared to A2 beta-casein
Study - Annals of Internal Medicine
This study was conducted because milk is often recommended as therapy for patients with peptic ulcer
The study examined the effects of various forms of milk and 0.15 M NaCl (control) on gastric-acid secretion in five patients with duodenal ulcer during a period of remission and in five normal subjects
A significant increase in acid secretion in both groups was produced by 240 ml of whole, low-fat, and nonfat milk
Ghee, a type of clarified butter, which is a fancy term for pure butterfat - while it has similar properties to regular butter, ghee is like an upgraded version with a richer taste, higher smoke point, deeper color, and more nutrients
Whey Isolate
Concentrate vs Isolate
Concentrate: This is the least processed form of whey there is, which means it’s the cheapest form, the form that contains the most additional non-protein stuff (most notably lactose and fat), and the form with the most potential to cause digestive issues (due to that aforementioned lactose)
Isolate: This is what you get when you take whey concentrate and filter out the vast majority of the stuff that isn’t protein, thus leaving you with a much more pure (i.e. more protein per scoop), easily digestible (bye-bye lactose), and expensive form of whey
Greek/Bulgarian Yogurt
When healthy bacteria (S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus) are added to milk and allowed to ferment, the fermentation process leads to changes in the bioavailability of nutrients found in the final product
As the pH decreases, both phosphorus and calcium are converted into their soluble forms, the proteins become calcium free and more easily digested by proteolytic enzymes, making them more bioavailable
Greek yogurt has roughly twice the protein concentration when compared to regular yogurt
During the production of Greek yogurt, regular yogurt is strained multiple times to remove the whey
Bulgarian Yogurt
Bulgarian yogurt is tangier and a bit creamier than Greek yogurt - unlike regular or Greek yogurt, traditional Bulgarian yogurt is not strained
Additionally, the bacteria used are different - Bulgarian yogurt uses a combination of L. bulgaricus, Acidophilus, S. thermophilus, and Bifidum strains
Heavy Cream
Heavy cream is the thickest cream of them all and has a minimum of 36% milk fat - Per half cup, it contains about 414 calories and 28 grams saturated fat.
Light cream (aka coffee cream) has about 20% milk fat and is primarily used in coffee, although it can also be used for baking and in soups - it has about 350 calories per cup and 23 grams saturated fat.
The traditional way of extracting cream is to wait 12 to 24 hours for the butterfat to rise to the top and then skim it off
Cottage Cheese
The process starts with curdling milk - this is done by adding an acidic substance like lime juice or vinegar to warm milk.
When the acidity of the milk increases, curds of casein protein separate from the whey, the liquid part of the milk
This can be done by adding a bacterial culture that produces lactic acid or a food-grade acid such as vinegar
After the curd is formed, it is gently cut into pieces that allow additional whey to drain from the curds
The curds are further cooked and pressed gently to expel more whey - the curds are rinsed and salt is added
Creamed Cottage Cheese is made by combining nonfat cottage cheese with a light cream dressing
Creamed cottage cheese contains at least 4 percent milkfat, comparable to whole milk.
Half & Half
Half-and-half is exactly what it sounds like, equal parts whole milk and light cream - it contains about 12% fat, which makes it richer than whole milk (which contains 3.5% fat), although less rich than light cream
Per cup it has 315 calories and 17 grams saturated fat
For example, in the United States, federal regulations specify 3.25% fat in whole milk, 2% in reduced fat milk, 1.8% in Semi-skim, about 1% in Low fat, and 0.0 – 0.5% in Skim milk
Sour Cream
Sour cream, also called cultured sour cream is made by adding a culture of Streptococcus lactis to pasteurized light cream and incubating at 72˚F until the desired flavor and thickness is reached