First person I called for acting in front of camera was Thanh. I don´t know who of us is more crazy about tt but certainly she helped me to find the motivation to keep doing it.
Later that same year I participated in a training camp in Denmark (B75) where I met Gang Xu. After he saw some shots of Thanh, he ask me if I could film him doing some excerises.
I used my iphone feeling deeply sorry for the picture quality which made us borrow the camera from Bojan Besinger to take some shots of Gang.
Thanks to Bojan and Gang, after I had retuned home to Hamburg and got ready for a business trip to Shanghai I felt I had to buy myself my own camera to catch the images I had in mind, to show the love and passion of Table Tennis. I didn´t know at that time it would bring me to the most memorable places and give me opportunities to meet amazing people all over the world.Yang Min certainly is one of them. Kinga is an amazing woman to name only 2 of them I m thankful for meeting.
There are plenty of things I have on my hard disc now after almost a year of carrying my camera around.I didnt know what to do with it but now I can see more clear and I want to start sharing the moments of joy.
Table Tennis is a fantastic harbour to meet and it doesn´t feel it got the same respect other sports get. To make it more interesting they made the ball bigger and the game shorter ?"/)&)%" Imagine somebody would propose that for golf or football ?
Excuse some of my blurry, shakey, under/ over overexposed shots. I m still learning how to do it perfect. Just like my game, there is always something new to look into.
To look forward to this one: I have an interview with Galila Nasser, where I totally failed to get light, focus and sound anything close to good, but her charming personality and honesty speaking is covering my lack of camera know how.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did doing it. Thanks to everyone involved and thank you for allowing me to share it on youtube.
Shot on Alexa (michael krautter with Thanh opening, ending and middle), shot on canon (stuarts shots of me - thanks man ! )
shot rest with my sony and iphone
Big thank to Anke, Stuart, Yigit, ZORAN, Michael, Provas, Thanh, Nam, John, DELI, olli, chris & timo, Soho, KX, ping pong lounge zurich, Sean, Mustafa, Klaus, Lufthansa, Galia, Yang MIn, French Team, Ronaldo, China, Amanda, Josh, Pele. Karl & Yummy, Simone, Anna, Stephi, Sarah, Galila, Hormos, Dawud, Kinga, & Gilda and all the other players involved.
(schmollk on insta)