Hello friends, in today's age of smartphones/mobile and PC games like pubgm, kids are often confused as to whether we should play games or not. Do they have any medical science health benefits or they are just condoned by our parents. What are their implications on our mental health, physiology, neurology, intelligence, do we have any neuroscience data to back it up. Today in this video we come up with some research, analysis and investigation exactly on this topic and help you with the genuine information. Watch the entire video explained in hindi to know more -
Music Ender Guney
1000 साल बाद इंसान का भविष्य कैसा होगा? Science and Future World of Humans in 1000 Years -
यह वजह है ISRO NASA जैसे Space Missions करना NAHI पसंद करता | The Truth About ISRO Space Missions -
क्या होगा अगर पृथ्वी पर प्रकाश की गति से एक उल्का पिंड टकराये? A Meteor Hits Earth At Light Speed -
इस तरह MOON पर अब रहने लगेगा इंसान How Humans Can Build A Moon Base Today -
दुनिया की 5 ऐसी घटनाएं जिनका जवाब विज्ञान के पास भी नहीं है Unanswered Science Mysteries on Earth -
ज़मीन के कितनी गहराई तक हम खोद सकते हैं The Deepest Hole We Can Dig On Earth -