
Five Steps To Your BEST Summer Body (AND HOW TO KEEP IT!)

Five Steps To Your BEST Summer Body (AND HOW TO KEEP IT!) Everyone wants to get their best summer body but people often go about it the wrong way. Instead of trying to add in cardio last minute, there is a right way to get your optimal summer body. Here are the five steps to your best summer body and how you can keep it after summer is over.

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Step 1: Lift Weights
Try out three total body weightlifting sessions per week. Sprinkle some cardio in-between those days. Let weightlifting be the main focus of your program. If you don’t believe us check out your local gym. Look at the people in the weight room and the people on the cardio machines and comment below who is leaner.

Step 2: Calorie Management
All the fad diets that you hear about, low-carb, keto, vegan, etc, all help keep you in a calorie deficit, that’s why people think they work. What you want to do is find out what your calories burned per day is and then subtract 300-500 calories a day. Use an online calculator to find out what your baseline calorie burn amount is.

Step 3: Protein and Hydration
Get your protein in. Protein is fundamental for building a good physique. It helps you build muscle, keeps your full after you eat, and it burns more calories than carbs and fats in terms of burning calories. Also try to add in some leafy green nutrient vegetables. Make sure to stay hydrated! Water is important not only for looking good but preforming in the gym. Try and aim for half your bodyweight in ounces per day.

Step 4: Stress Management and Sleep
Every time you change things in your diet, your body will interpret that as an external stressor. Training and diet will help with fat loss, but elevated and prolonged stress will work against you. Sleep and stress management are essential to obtaining the optimal summer body.

Step 5: Supplements
Stay away from the bullsh*t. Don’t try out a testosterone booster or anything like that. What we recommend for supplements are a high quality protein powder, a fish oil, multi-vitamin, and caffeine.

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MIND PUMP,MIND PUMP MEDIA,MIND PUMP TV,MIND PUMP PODCAST,summer,summer body,how to get a summer body,summer body fast,summer body quick,how to lose weight,summer workout,summer body tips,summer body workout,summer body diet,bikini body,bikini body guide,bikini body workouts,burn fat,get lean fast,6 pack,six pack abs,beach body,mptv,workout,fitness,get in shape,diet,abs,health,best summer body,fat loss,six pack,weight loss,training,

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